Intimate Gathering: $675, 3hrs. Pre-Wedding, Ceremony, Reception. All photos on line gallery, with digital print release.
Social Bliss: $1500, 6hrs. Pre-Weding, Ceremony, Reception, Engagement Photos. All photos on line gallery, with digital print release. (Myself and one other photographer
Silver Bells: $2000, 8hrs. Pre-Wedding, Ceremony, Reception, Engagement Photos. All photos on line gallery, with digital print release. (Myself and one other photographer.
*Bridal Add On Package Portraits: For an additional $150 for 30-60m, 2 locations can be added to any of the above packages. 10 digital prints with print release.
Bridal To Be: $225, 60-90m 2 to 3 locations, All photos on line gallery, 25 digital prints with print release.
Senior Sessions
Senior Simple Session: $175 - 30m, location to be discussed. 15 digital images with print release.
Senior Star Session: $275 - 60m, 1-2 Locations, 1-2 Outfits. 20 digital images with print release.
Senior Shine Session: $400 - 2 hours, 1-3 Locations, Up to 4 outfits. 25 digital images with print release.
Fresh 48: $250, 60m, 25 digital images with print release. Call or text when admitted to hospital for labor.
Newborn: $220, 60m 25 digital images with print release.
Newborn Plus: $320, 2hrs, 25 digital images with print release. 1-3 outfit changes.
Toddler Years: $120, 1hr, 15 digital images with print release.
Team Photos
Individual Packages Available Ranging from $20-$75
'Team Setting Fee, $30
Other Sessions
Anniversary Parties, Birthday Parties, Retirement Parties, Reunions
Prices Available upon request.